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Your satisfaction is of paramount importance to us. Which request can we help you with?

Zákaznícka podpora
Customer support is available by phone between 13:00 and 14:00.
Sledovanie zásielky
Shipment tracking

Our service allows you to have an overview and the necessary information about the movement of the shipment from submission to delivery.

Reklamácia tovaru
Complaint of goods

How can I return/exchange the goods and where to send them? You can find all these information by clicking on the Find out more button

Často kladené otázky
Frequently Asked Questions

Here you have the opportunity to find answers to your questions. If you are unclear about something, we recommend that you check this out first.

Obchodné podmienky
Terms and conditions

General terms and conditions of our company - GoMerch s.r.o.

Carrier + References

M. Matejová

Logistics center GoMerch, s.r.o.

Company address

Adresa spoločnosti
Dukelská štvrť 1729 / 153
018 41, Dubnica nad Váhom, Slovakia

The company is registered in the Commerical Register of the Bratislava III District Court, Section: s.r.o., Insert number: 137852/B

Kontakt na konateľa firmy:
Tibor Jurisa CEO

Billing address

GoMerch s. r. o.
Bottova 2A, 811 09, Bratislava
ID: 36744034
TAX ID: 2022326834
VAT ID: SK2022326834
Tel.: +421 221 001 000

We are VAT payers

The company is not based at this address and does not receive goods or mail.

Where to send the claimed goods?

We have a different address for complaints for each country. At the bottom, choose what country you want and the address you have selected will be loaded.

Kam odoslať reklamovaný tovar Kam odoslať reklamovaný tovar
Send the goods to the following address of your choice of country:
GoMerch s.r.o.
Dukelská štvrť 1729
Dubnica nad Váhom, 018 41

Contact form